Getting started with test-r

test-r is a testing framework for Rust which is almost a drop-in replacement for built-in tests, but enables several advanced features such as dependency injection, dynamic test generation, custom tags, inline customization of the test execution and more.

By replicating the built-in test framework's command line interface, test-r tests work seamlessly with IDEs like Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ IDEA, Zed, and others. test-r also implements many unstable features of the built-in test framework, such as customizable test output, reporting and ensuring execution time, shuffling test execution and running #[bench] benchmarks.

To start using test-r, add it to the dev-dependencies section of your Cargo.toml:

test-r = "1"

There are three additional steps to take when using test-r in place of the built-in tests:

  1. Disabling the built-in test harness for every build target where test-r will be used
  2. Enabling the test-r test harness by including its main function in every build target
  3. Import test-r's custom test attribute where #[test] is used

This is explained in details on the Defining tests page, but the example below demonstrates how to set up a simple crate to run tests with test-r.


The following Cargo.toml file sets up a simple library crate with test-r:

name = "test-r-demo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

harness = false # Disable the built-in test harness

test-r = "1"

And a simple src/ file defining a single public function and a test for it:

fn main() {
test_r::enable!(); // Enabling test-r's test harness (once per build target)

pub fn lib_function() -> u64 {
    println!("lib_function called");

mod tests {
    use test_r::test; // Replacing the built-in #[test] attribute

    use super::*;

    fn test_lib_function() {
        assert_eq!(lib_function(), 11);

Optional crate features

The test-r test framework with the default set of enabled features supports running both sync and async tests, using Tokio as the async runtime. It is possible to turn off the async support by disabling the tokio feature:

test-r = { version = "1", default-features = false }

Real-world usage

This section lists known projects that use test-r:

What is not supported?

The following features are not supported by test-r:

  • Running doctests
  • Output capturing cannot be used together with parallel execution AND dependency injection. Any two of these three features can be chosen, but not all three at the same time.


Most of test-r's features were inspired by working with test frameworks in other languages, especially the ZIO Test framework for Scala. The idea of replicating the built-in harness' command line interface came from the libtest-mimic crate. For some features that replicate built-in functionality, parts of the original libtest source code have been reused.

Core features

This chapter covers the core features of test-r:

Defining tests

Enabling the test-r harness

Writing tests with test-r is very similar to writing tests with the built-in test framework, but there are a few differences.

Disabling the built-in test harness

First, for every build target where test-r is going to be used, the built-in test harness must be disabled.

This is done by putting harness = false in build target's section in Cargo.toml:

harness = false

harness = false

name = "integ-test-1"
harness = false

name = "integ-test-2"
harness = false

# ...

Mixing test-r and the built-in test harness

It is recommended to turn off running tests completely in the rest of the targets. For example if the crate produces both a library and an executable, and all the tests are in the library part, then put test = false in the [[bin]] section:

test = false

harness = false

Without this, cargo test will run all the test harnesses including the one where the built-in harness is not disabled ([[bin]] in this case), which may fail on some unsupported command line arguments that the test-r harness accepts.

If the intention is to use both test-r and the built-in test harness in the same crate, that's possible, but be careful with the command line arguments passed to cargo test as some of them may be only supported by the unstable version of the built-in test framework.

Enabling the test-r harness

For every target where the built-in harness was disabled (with harness = false), we need to install test-r's test runner instead. In other words, if the compilation is in test mode, we have to define a main function that runs the test-r test runner.

This can be done by adding the following macro invocation at the root of the given build target:

fn main() {
  • For [lib] targets, this should be in src/ (or whatever crate root is specified)
  • For [[bin]] targets, this should be in the src/, src/bin/*.rs files or the one explicitly set in the crate manifest, for each binary
  • For [[test]] targets, this should be in the tests/*.rs files for each test

Writing tests

Writing tests is done exactly the same way as with the built-in test framework, but with using test-r's #[test] attribute instead of the built-in one. We recommend importing the test attribute with use test_r::test; so the actual test definitions look identical to the built-in ones, but it is not mandatory.

fn main() {
mod tests {
    use test_r::test;

    fn test_lib_function() {
        assert_eq!(lib_function(), 11);

Within the test function itself any assertion macros from the standard library or any of the third-party assertion crates can be used. (All panics are caught and reported as test failures.)

Writing async tests

The same #[test] attribute can be used for async tests as well. The test runner will automatically detect if the test function is async and run it accordingly.

fn main() {
mod tests {
    use test_r::test;

    async fn test_async_function() {
        assert_eq!(async_lib_function().await, 11);

Support for async tests requires the tokio feature, which is enabled by default.

There is a difference in how test-r runs async tests compared to how #[tokio::test] does. While tokio's test attribute spawns a new current-thread (by default) Tokio runtime for each test, test-r uses a single multi-threaded runtime to run all the tests. This is intentional, to allow shared dependencies that in some way depend on the runtime itself.

Tests returning Result

Tests in test-r can have a Result<_, _> return type. This makes it easier to chain multiple functions within the test that can return with an Err, no need to unwrap each. A test that returns a Result::Err will be marked as failed just like as if it had panicked.

fn main() {
mod tests {
    use test_r::test;

    fn test_lib_function() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
        let result = lib_function()?;
        assert_eq!(result, 11);

Ignoring tests

The standard #[ignore] attribute can be used to mark a test as ignored.

fn main() {
fn ignored_test() {

Ignored tests can be run with the --include-ignored or --ignored flags, as explained in the running tests page.

Testing for panics

The #[should_panic] attribute can be used to mark a test as expected to panic. The test will pass if it panics, and fail if it doesn't.

fn main() {
fn panicking_test() {
    panic!("This test is expected to panic");

Optionally the expected argument can be used to only accept panics containing a specific message:

fn main() {
#[should_panic(expected = "expected to panic")]
fn panicking_test() {
    panic!("This test is expected to panic");

Running tests

test-r replicates the command line interface of the built-in test harness, so every integration (scripts, IDE support, etc) should work just like without using test-r. This includes some of the unstable flags too, test-r let's use them without the need to enable the unstable features in the compiler.

Cargo test parameters vs test-r parameters

The cargo test command takes some of its own options, a test name, and a list of arguments passed to the test harness itself:```

Usage: cargo test [OPTIONS] [TESTNAME] [-- [ARGS]...]

The paramters passed in OPTIONS select which test targets to build and run. See the official documentation for more details.

TESTNAME is an optional parameter which selects which tests to run in each selected test target. How exactly it is interpreted depends on other options passed in the ARGS part.

Choose what to run

Matching on test names

cargo test hello

executes all tests that have the hello substring in their fully qualified name (module path + function name).

cargo test hello -- --exact

will only run the test that has the exact fully qualified name hello, which in this case means a function named hello in the root module.

There is a special syntax to match on tags, see the tags chapter for more details.

Ignored tests

Tests marked with the #[ignore] attribute are not run by default. To run them, use the --include-ignored flag. It is also possible to run only the ignored tests with the --ignored flag.

Tests expecting panic

Tests using the #[should_panic] attribute are run by default, but can be skipped with the --exclude-should-panic flag.

Tests vs benchmarks

The framework supports not only tests (defined with #[test]), but also benchmarks (defined with #[bench]). By default, the test runner executes both. It is possible to only run tests or benches with the --test and --bench flags.

Skipping some tests

The --skip option can be used to skip some tests (just like if they were marked with #[ignore]). It can be used multiple times to mark multiple tests to skip.


By default, the test runner uses as many threads as there are logical cores on the machine. This can be changed with the --test-threads flag.

cargo test -- --test-threads=1

Note that parallelism can be also controlled on the code level per test suite with the #[sequential] attribute. See the per-test configuration chapter for more details.


The test runner executes tests in definition order. To shuffle the order, use the --shuffle flag. To have a deterministic, but shuffled order, use the --shuffle-seed providing a numeric seed.

Listing tests

It is possible to just list all the available tests, without executing anything with the --list command:

cargo test -- --list

Test output

There are various options controlling the output of the test runner. See the test output chapter for more details.


Output capturing is implemented by forking one or more child processes and attaching to their standard output and error channels. This means that attaching a debugger to the parent process will not work as expected. When using a debugger, always pass the --nocapture flag to the test runner to disable output capturing, which guarantees that all the tests are executed in the single root process.

Test output

The default setting of test-r is to use the pretty format and capture test outputs.

Output format

There are four supported output formats in test-r, which can be selected with the --format flag:

  • pretty (default) - human-readable output showing the progress and the final results in a verbose way
  • terse - human-readable output, only emitting a single character for each test during the test run
  • json - emits JSON messages during the test run, useful for integration with other tools like IDEs
  • junit - writes a JUnit XML test report, useful for generating browsable test reports

When using the pretty (default) mode, the --color flag can be used to control whether the output should use colors or not:

  • auto (default) - colors are used if the terminal supports them
  • always - always use colors
  • never - do not use colors

Capturing the test output

When output capturing is enabled, lines written to either the standard output or standard error channels are not shown immediately as the test runs. Instead, they are only shown if the test fails. This allows nicer visual tracking of the test progress and results.

The following options control this behavior:

  • --nocapture - disables output capturing, showing the output of each test as it runs
  • --show-output - shows the output of all tests after they finish, regardless of whether they passed or failed

Note that this global setting of output capturing can be overwritten on a per-test basis using the #[always_capture] and #[never_capture] attributes, as explained in the per-test configuration chapter.

When attaching a debugger, always pass the `--nocapture` flag to the test runner to disable output capturing, which guarantees that all the tests are executed in the single root process the debugger is attached to.
Output capturing, parallel execution and shared test dependencies cannot be used together. The reason is that output capturing relies on forking child processes to capture their outputs, and the shared dependencies cannot be shared between these processes. If shared dependencies are used, and the --nocapture flag is not present, the test runner will emit a warning and fall back to single threaded execution.

Measuring and ensuring execution time

By default test-r follows the built-in test harness behavior and does not report test execution times. This can be changed by passing the --report-time flag. The --ensure-time flag not only reports these per-test execution times, but fails the test run if they exceed a pre-configured value. Learn more about this in The Rust Unstable Book.

Note that test-r provides a nicer way to fail long running tests (but only if the tokio feature is enabled) using the #[timeout(ms)] attribute, as explained in the per-test configuration chapter.

Saving the output to a log file

The test output can be saved into a log file using the --logfile <path> flag. Because of the issue described in the Rust issue tracker, the test runner cannot directly use the provided path as other test harnesses would overwrite it. Instead, test-r interprets the provided path as a template, and appends a random UUID to its file name part for each generated log file. This allows saving multiple JUnit test reports, for example, into a single directory, where a test browser can pick them up from.

Advanced features

This chapter covers the advanced features of test-r, which are either not available at all using the built-in test harness, or at least being unstable.

  • Dependency injection allows sharing dependencies between tests.
  • Tags allow grouping tests and running only a subset of them.
  • Benches are used to measure the performance of functions.
  • Per-test configuration allows customizing the test execution from the code, instead of using command line options.
  • Flaky tests can be either retried, or executed multiple times to verify they aren't flaky
  • Dynamic test generation allows creating new tests from code

Dependency injection

Tests can share dependencies in test-r. This is especially useful for integration tests where setting up the integration environment is expensive.

Using shared dependencies

To use a shared dependency from a test, we simply need to add a reference parameter to the test function:

fn main() {
use test_r::test;

struct SharedDependency {
    value: i32,

struct OtherDependency {
    value: i32,

fn test1(shared: &SharedDependency) {
    assert_eq!(shared.value, 42);

async fn test2(shared: &SharedDependency, other: &OtherDependency) {
    assert_eq!(shared.value, other.value);

The name of the parameters does not matter - test dependencies are indexed by their type. If a test needs multiple instances of the same type, a newtype wrapper can be used to distinguish them.

Providing shared dependencies

Shared dependencies need to be provided for each test suite. A test suite in test-r is the enclosing module where the test functions are defined. It is possible to provide different values for the same dependency in different suites, but it is also possible to "import" provided dependencies from an outer suite. This flexibility allows for a wide range of uses cases, from defining singleton dependencies for a whole crate to detailed customization for specific tests.

Test dependencies are provided by constructor functions annotated with #[test_dep]. The constructor function can be sync or async (if the tokio feature is enabled):

fn main() {
use test_r::test_dep;

async fn shared_dependency() -> SharedDependency {
    SharedDependency { value: 42 }

fn other_dependency() -> OtherDependency {
    OtherDependency { value: 42 }

Whether the dependency was created by a sync or async function does not matter - they can be used in both sync and async tests.

Using dependencies provided for an outer test suite

As explained above, test dependencies must be provided in each test module. So if we want to use the same instances in an inner test suite, it has to be inherited:

fn main() {
mod inner {
    use test_r::{inher_test_dep, test};
    use super::SharedDependency;
    fn test3(shared: &SharedDependency) {
        assert_eq!(shared.value, 42);

Dependency graph

Test dependency constructors can depend on other dependencies just like tests are. This allows defining a complex dependency graph, where each shared dependency is created in the correct order, and only when needed, and they got dropped as soon as no other test needs them.

The following example defines a third dependency (based on the above examples) which requires the other two to get constructed:

fn main() {
struct ThirdDependency {
    value: i32,

fn third_dependency(shared: &SharedDependency, other: &OtherDependency) -> ThirdDependency {
    ThirdDependency { value: shared.value + other.value }

Dependency tagging

It is possible to have multiple dependency constructors of the same type, distinguished by a string tag. This is an alternative to using newtype wrappers, and it enables the dependency matrix feature explained in the next section.

To tag a dependency, use the #[test_dep] attribute with the following argument:

fn main() {
#[test_dep(tagged_as = "tag1")]
fn shared_dependency_tag1() -> SharedDependency {
    SharedDependency { value: 1 }

#[test_dep(tagged_as = "tag2")]
fn shared_dependency_tag2() -> SharedDependency {
    SharedDependency { value: 2 }

Tagged dependencies are not injected automatically for parameters of the same type, they need to have a matching tagged_as attribute:

fn main() {
fn test4(shared: #[tagged_as("tag1")] &SharedDependency) {
    assert_eq!(shared.value, 1);

It is also possible to inherit tagged dependencies from an outer suite:

fn main() {
mod inner {
    use test_r::{inher_test_dep, test};
    use super::SharedDependency;
    inherit_test_dep!(#[tagged_as("tag1") SharedDependency);
    inherit_test_dep!(#[tagged_as("tag2") SharedDependency);

Dependency matrix

test-r combines the above described dependency tagging feature with its generated tests feature to provide an easy way to test a matrix of configurations, represented by different values of test dependencies.

This can be used for example to test a table of different inputs, or to run tests with multiple implementations of the same interface.

The first step is to define a tagged test dependency for each value used in the matrix. Take the previous section as an example where two different SharedDependency was created with tags tag1 and tag2.

The second step is to define a matrix dimension with the define_matrix_dimension! macro:

fn main() {
define_matrix_dimension!(shd: SharedDependency -> "tag1", "tag2");

In this example:

  • shd is the name of the dimension - there can be an arbitrary number of dimensions defined, and they can be used in any combination in test functions
  • SharedDependency is the type of the dependency
  • "tag1", "tag2" are the tags used in the dependency matrix for this dependency

The third step is to mark one or more parameters of a test function to match one of the defined dimensions:

fn main() {
fn test5(#[dimension(shd)] shared: &SharedDependency) {
    // ...

The library will generate two separate test functions (named test5::test5_tag1 and test5::test5_tag2) from this definition, and each will use a different instance of SharedDependency.


Assigning tags

Tests can be associated with an arbitrary number of tags. Each tag is global, and must be a valid Rust identifier. Tags can be assigned to tests using the #[tag] attribute:

fn main() {
use test_r::{tag, test};

fn tagged_test() {

Tagging entire test suites

It is possible to tag an entire test suite. This can be done by using the #[tags] attribute on the module containing the tests, or alternatively using the tag_suite! macro:

fn main() {
use test_r::{tag, tag_suite, test};

mod inner1;

tag_suite!(inner1, tag1);

mod inner2 {
    // ...

The tag_suite! macro is necessary because currently it is not possible to put attributes on non-inlined modules.

Running tagged tests

The purpose of tagging tests is to run a subset of the crate's tests selected by tags. To select tests by tags, use the :tag: prefix when passing the test name to cargo test:

cargo test :tag:tag1

This example will run every test tagged as tag1, but no others.

Selecting untagged tests

Sometimes it is useful to select all tests without a tag. This can be done by using the :tag: prefix with no tag name:

cargo test :tag:

Selecting tests by multiple tags

Multiple tags can be combined with the | (or) and & (and) operators. The & operator has higher precedence than |. So the following example:

cargo test ':tag:tag1|tag2&tag3'

is going to run tests tagged as either tag1 or both tag2 and tag3.


test-r provides a simple benchmark runner as well, very similar to the built-in one in unstable Rust. The main differences are that test-r allows defining async bench functions too (when the tokio feature is enabled), and that benchmark functions also support dependency injection.

Defining benchmarks

To define a benchmark, just use the #[bench] attribute instead of a #[test] attribute on a function that takes a mutable reference to a Bencher:

fn main() {
use test_r::{bench, Bencher};

fn bench1(b: &mut Bencher) {
    b.iter(|| 10 + 11);

The benchmark framework will measure the performance of the function passed to the iter method on the bencher.

If a benchmark needs shared dependencies, they can be added as additional parameters to the benchmark function. The &mut Bencher parameter must always be the first one.

fn main() {
use test_r::{bench, Bencher};

struct SharedDependency {
    value: i32,

fn bench2(b: &mut Bencher, shared: &SharedDependency) {
    b.iter(|| shared.value + 11);

Async benchmarks

When the tokio feature is enabled, benchmarks can be async too. Just use the #[bench] attribute on an async function that takes a mutable reference to an AsyncBencher:

fn main() {
use test_r::{bench, AsyncBencher};

async fn bench1(b: &mut AsyncBencher) {
    b.iter(|| Box::pin(async { 10 + 11 })).await;

Running benchmarks

Benchmarks are run by default as part of cargo test, but they can be also separately executed using cargo bench, or by passing the --bench flag to cargo test.

Per-test configuration

Some aspects of the test runner can be enforced on a per-test or per-suite basis using special attributes, instead of relying on command line options.

Enforce sequential execution

Parallelism of the test runner is normally controlled by the --test-threads command line argument. It is possible to enforce sequential execution for all tests within a test suite by putting the #[sequential] attribute on the module representing the suite:

fn main() {
use test_r::{sequential, test};

mod suite {
    fn test1() {

    fn test2() {

The rest of the tests in the crate will still be parallelized based on the --test-threads argument.

The #[sequential] attribute can only be used on inline modules due to a limitation in the current stable Rust compiler. For non-inline modules, you can use the sequential_suite! macro instead in the following way:

fn main() {
use test_r::sequential_suite};

mod suite;


Always or never capture output

Two attributes can enforce capturing or not capturing the standard output and error of a test. Without these attributes, the runner will either capture (by default), or not (if the --nocapture command line argument is passed).

When the #[always_capture] attribute is used on a #[test], the output will be captured even if the --nocapture argument is passed. Conversely, the #[never_capture] attribute will prevent capturing the output even if the --nocapture argument is not passed.


The #[timeout(duration)] attribute can be used to enforce a timeout for a test. The timeout is specified in milliseconds as a number:

fn main() {
use test_r::{test, timeout};

async fn test1() {

This feature only works when using the async test runner (enabled by the tokio feature).

Reporting / ensuring time per test

There are command line arguments to enable reporting test run times and ensuring that each test runs within a certain time limit. The command line arguments enable these features for all tests. It is possible to individually configure this behavior per test using the following attributes:

  • #[always_report_time] will report the time taken by the test even if the --report-time argument is not passed.
  • #[never_report_time] will prevent reporting the time taken by the test even if the --report-time argument is passed.
  • #[always_ensure_time] will ensure that the test runs within the specified duration even if the --ensure-time argument is not passed.
  • #[never_ensure_time] will ignore the --ensure-time argument for this test

Note that for ensuring time, it is not possible to overwrite the global time limit set using environment variables, which is the way the built-in Rust test runner works. For better control, use the #[timeout(duration)] attribute instead.

Working with flaky tests

Tests can be sometimes flaky, and only fail sporadically or depending on the environment or hardware they run on.

test-r provides two ways to handle flaky tests:

Marking tests as known to be flaky

By using the #[flaky(n)] attribute, where n is a number, we acknowledge that a test is known to be flaky, and the test runner will retry it up to n times before marking it as failed.

fn main() {
use test_r::{flaky, test};

fn flaky_test() {
    assert!(false); // This test will fail 3 times before being marked as failed

Ensuring tests are not flaky

The opposite appraoch is to ensure that a test is not flaky by running it multiple times. This can help in diagnosing flakiness and reproducing issues locally. The #[non_flaky(n)] attribute will run a test n times before marking it as succeeded.

fn main() {
use test_r::{non_flaky, test};

fn non_flaky_test() {
    assert!(true); // This test will pass 3 times before being marked as succeeded

Dynamic test generation

Normally the test tree is static, defined compile time using modules representing test suites and functions annotated with #[test] defining test cases. Sometimes however it is useful to generate test cases runtime. test-r supports this using the #[test_gen] attribute.

Test generators can be either sync or async (if the tokio feature is enabled). The generator function must take a single parameter, a mutable reference to DynamicTestRegistration. Dependency injection to the generator function is not supported currently, but the dynamically generated tests can use shared dependencies.

The following two examples demonstrate generating sync and async tests using the #[test_gen] attribute:

fn main() {
use test_r::{add_test, DynamicTestRegistration, TestType, test_gen};

struct Dep1 {
    value: i32,

struct Dep2 {
    value: i32,

fn gen_sync_tests(r: &mut DynamicTestRegistration) {
    println!("Generating some tests with dependencies in a sync generator");
    for i in 0..10 {
            move |dep1: &Dep1| {
                println!("Running test {} using dep {}", i, dep1.value);
                let s = i.to_string();
                let i2 = s.parse::<i32>().unwrap();
                assert_eq!(i, i2);

async fn gen_async_tests(r: &mut DynamicTestRegistration) {
    println!("Generating some async tests with dependencies in a sync generator");
    for i in 0..10 {
            move |dep1: &Dep1, d2: &Dep2| async {
                println!("Running test {} using deps {} {}", i, dep1.value, d2.value);
                let s = i.to_string();
                let i2 = s.parse::<i32>().unwrap();
                assert_eq!(i, i2);

The generator functions are executed at the startup of the test runner, and all the generated tests are added to the test tree. The name of the generated tests must be unique. Each test is added to the test suite the generator function is defined in.

Test generators are executed in both the main process and in all the child processes spawned for output capturing. For this reason, they must be idempotent, and they should not print any output - as the output would not be captured when the generator runs in the primary process, and it would interfere with output formats such as `json` or `junit`.

How to

This section contains a set of recommendations to solve various testing problems using a combination of test-r and other third party crates.


Subscribers for Tokio tracing usually need to be set up once at the beginning of the application, and further calls to their initialization functions may cause panics.

With test-r, the shared dependency feature can be used to set up the tracing subscriber once before the first test is executed, and keep it alive until the end of the test run.

The following example demonstrates this using the tracing-subscriber crate:

fn main() {
use tracing_subscriber::fmt::format::FmtSpan;
use test_r::{test_dep, test};

struct Tracing;

impl Tracing {
    pub fn init() -> Self {

fn tracing() -> Tracing {

fn test1(_tracing: &Tracing) {

fn test2(_tracing: &Tracing) {

Property based testing

Property based testing using the proptest crate

The proptest library works well together with test-r. There is no special requirements, just make sure to import test-r's test attribute before using the proptest! macro to define the property based tests.

For example:

fn main() {
use test_r::test;
use proptest::prelude::*;

fn parse_date(s: &str) -> Option<(u32, u32, u32)> {

proptest! {
    fn parses_all_valid_dates(s in "[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}") {

Golden tests

Golden tests are comparing a previously saved output for a given test with the current output. This can be very useful to verify backward compatibility, for example. There are several golden testing libraries available in the Rust ecosystem.

The test-r crate does not provide a built-in support for golden tests, but it should work with most of these libraries.

Golden tests with the goldenfile crate

The goldenfile crate is proven to work well with test-r. For example the following helper function can be used to check the backward compatibility of reading serialized binary data with some custom serialize/deserialize functions requiring bincode codecs:

fn main() {
use bincode::{Decode, Encode};
use goldenfile::Mint;
use test_r::test;

fn serialize<T: Encode>(value: &T) -> Result<Vec<u8>, bincode::Error> {

fn deserialize<T: Decode>(data: &[u8]) -> Result<T, bincode::Error> {

fn is_deserializable<T: Encode + Decode + PartialEq + Debug>(old: &Path, new: &Path) {
    let old = std::fs::read(old).unwrap();
    let new = std::fs::read(new).unwrap();

    // Both the old and the latest binary can be deserialized
    let old_decoded: T = deserialize(&old).unwrap();
    let new_decoded: T = deserialize(&new).unwrap();

    // And they represent the same value
    assert_eq!(old_decoded, new_decoded);

pub(crate) fn backward_compatible<T: Encode + Decode + PartialEq + Debug + 'static>(
    name: impl AsRef<str>,
    mint: &mut Mint,
    value: T,
) {
    let mut file = mint
            format!("{}.bin", name.as_ref()),
    let encoded = serialize(&value).unwrap();

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Encode, Decode)]
struct Example {
    value: i32,

pub fn example() {
    let mut mint = Mint::new("tests/goldenfiles");
    backward_compatible("example1", &mut mint, Example { value: 42 });

GitHub Actions with JUnit

With test-r it is easy to generate JUnit test reports when running the tests on CI. Then the generated XMLs can be parsed by another GitHub Action step to provide a nicer test report in the GitHub UI.

The following example shows how to run the tests with test-r and generate JUnit XMLs:

cargo test -- --format junit --logfile target/report.xml

This will generate one or more JUnit XML files in the target directory.

The action-junit-report action can be used to parse the generated XMLs and show the results in the GitHub UI. The following example shows how to use it:

  - name: Publish Test Report
    uses: mikepenz/action-junit-report@v4
    if: success() || failure() # always run even if the previous step fails
      report_paths: '**/target/report-*.xml'
      detailed_summary: true
      include_passed: true